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Call Us at 800-736-8485

Teresa Rose

NMLS ID 286923

800-736-8485 Trose@westernohiomortgage.com

Kim Mullen, Operations Manager and Senior Underwriter

Kim (Nishwitz) Mullen has a degree in Financial Management and has been with WOMC since 2003
Kim began in the shipping and post close department. Kim has also been a loan originator as well as a processor.
In 2006, Kim was promoted to Senior Underwriter and became Secretary of the Corporation. In 2016, Kim wasonce again prompoted to Operations Manager.  Kim is also a Licensed Loan Officer. 

Kim is originally from Miami County and is married with two Great Dane furry children to make up their family.

Kim (Nishwitz) Mullen
Senior Underwriter
NMLS #295224 LO.017205.000

Contact Information:
Direct: 937-497-9662
Toll Free: 800-736-8485
Fax: 937-497-9020

733 Fair Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365