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Western Ohio Mortgage Corporation Logo

Call Us at 800-736-8485

Teresa Rose

NMLS ID 286923

800-736-8485 Trose@westernohiomortgage.com

Chelsi Davis, Underwriter

Chelsi Davis has been with WOMC since 2012.  Chelsi began as a processor and in 2016 became an Underwriter.  Prior to joining WOMC, Chelsi started in the Mortgage industry in 2007 at Fifth Third Bank as a Loan Officer and Sales Assistant.


Chelsi is originally from Washington State and relocated to Ohio in 2002. She is married with a grown stepson, and has 4 furry feline children and is a diehard Seattle Seahawk fan

Chelsi Davis

Chelsi Davis

Contact Information:
Direct: 937-497-9662
Toll Free: 800-736-8485
Fax: 937-497-9020

733 Fair Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365